Our Impact

“I struggled to get to where I am now, but I didn’t give up.” she says, “I kept pressing into God. When I gave my problems to him, I didn’t have to carry them anymore….The LifePath team helped me to realize, I can’t ever give up.”
– Koby

Stories From Our Community
From No Home to New Life at LifePath: Meet Derica
Derica said yes to some friends who needed help. It cost her everything. She and her 11-year-old son found themselves homeless with a baby on the way.
“If it weren’t for you, where would me and my daughter be?” —James
The Flex Family Shelter at LifePath offers a comfortable, safe space where families can stay together as they prepare for the next step. This was a priority for James and his daughter who were facing homelessness . . .
“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for LifePath . . .” —Greg
The time Greg spent in jail made him realize he was ready to change his life forever, ready to break the shackles of addiction that had cost him everything. He turned to LifePath.