Nov 9, 2023 | News

“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy.” —Philippians 1:3-4 NIV

God is transforming hearts during this holiday season and beyond at LifePath Christian Ministries, and it’s happening through the faithfulness of this family of friends . . . including you!

In fact, your support helps keep our doors open on Thanksgiving Day—and every day! Jesus reaches out to neighbors in great need through your open arms.

KOBY . . .

“You get depressed. You try your best to get things done, and nothing is working out. You want to give up, but you can’t give up. So I had to go to LifePath.

“You just hang in there, have faith, and don’t stray away from Jesus—because you have to have Jesus. That’s your foundation. Then you work your way up. My story is about hope—I thank you because without you, we’d be struggling. With you, we’re a better place, a better community: a community that comes together!”

FRANK . . .

“I’m a lifelong resident of York County, but I had to move out of my apartment and I didn’t
know what I was going to do.”

“One night, I got pulled over because I was so tired . . . tired of living out of my car and the
stress that came with it that I almost drove off the road. The policeman knew I needed help, and I came here. I didn’t want to be out on the street. This gave me a roof over my head . . . They help you get the assistance you need—thank you!”


“I have four kids. Before I came here, I had a house and was working jobs to try and maintain it, and then my house was basically condemned. The judge said, ‘You shouldn’t be there.’ He gave us 10 days to go.

“Thankfully, at LifePath, I literally called that same day and they said, ‘When you get
here, we will have room for you.’ So, I hurried and brought my family here!”

Our Stories

A family's mission


As York’s rescue mission for 62 years, LifePath’s impact in helping change lives couldn’t happen without prayers and partnerships like yours—and families like Carolyn, Michele, and Bailey’s, who share a heart for this ministry in their own words . . .

Frank Deines

From Life on the Streets to LifePath

“What I’m trying to do right now is get myself back on my feet again!”—Frank Frank felt he had it all, but saw everything slip away. Isolated and homeless, he ended up living in his car on the streets of York . . . until God brought him safely to LifePath. York has...

Karen Rollins-Fitch


Community leader and LifePath partner in ministry, Karen Rollins-Fitch, Director, Corporate Social Responsibility, Highmark Wholecare LifePath’s ministry as York’s rescue mission since 1962 couldn’t happen without prayers and partnership like yours—and Karen...

A Mothers Thanks


After a move, a job transfer, and a small business venture that ended like so many others during these hard times, across the country and right here in York County, Hadassah says to her shock, “I ended up homeless.”

This is Jeff Packard, and active volunteer at LifePath Christian Ministires.


LifePath Christian Ministries’ over 60 years of service as York’s rescue mission couldn’t happen without compassion in action like yours—and Jeff Packard’s, who shares his family’s heart for this ministry we share.