What Life Transformation Looks Like at Lifepath

Dec 7, 2023 | News


What Life Transformation Looks Like At LifePath: George's Story Continues

“With his family today, George says friends like you at LifePath were “willing to give me a second chance, and I’m so grateful for that!”

I was actually scared,” George recalls, “because I’d never been homeless . . . and now I’m on the streets.” So, God brought him here: “I came into LifePath . . . and they had the doors open!” he says, astonished to find hearts like yours here, waiting and welcoming!

“Before I was brought to LifePath, I slept two nights out,” George says. And though he was so close to finding God’s path of life transformation, he almost didn’t make it off the streets alive. “Everything was going through my head,” he says. “Right down to ‘Do I just take my own life?’

“Because I had nowhere to turn, no help, no support, and with all the medical conditions, sleeping on the ground, and winter coming up, it was just like, ‘Is it really worth it?’”

But then, “The cops came by, stopped. Basically, it was an area they said, ‘It’s not safe for you to be here.’ So, I told them my situation. They brought me down to York Hospital—and the hospital told me about LifePath.

“They released me the next morning. I walked over here, knocked on the door, and said ‘I’m homeless’ . . .

“The gentleman at the LifePath door said, ‘Come on in.’

And as George was welcomed with a warm meal and a safe place to stay, he recognized the hope for a new life he could finally find here—“hope and a future.”

Share Help & Hope for Christmas

“I met all the counselors here,” George remembers, “I was determined, looking for help, which made their job really easy!”

George also discovered he had every reason to seek a future away from drugs and desperation . . .

“I found out I was having my son,” he says, “And that’s what made me change—because my own father was absent, and I grew up in an abusive family. My son was the turning point of my sobriety: he was my drive to get back on my feet.”

Determined to make his decision to change count, George says, “I made great friends here. I helped out. I was grateful for all they did, providing me with food and a bed. So, anything they asked for, I did it: picking up something, washing dishes, or just little things to help out for my share of what they were giving me. I was glad to do it!”

And as he gave back alongside so many others at LifePath, George found a new life in Christ—one that led him to join us on staff, serving others every day, in Jesus’ name!

“I became a full-time employee,” George says proudly. “They were willing to give me a second chance, and I’m grateful for that.”

And today? “I’m back with my family. And we recently found out the good news that we’re expecting another baby!” he smiles, amazed at God’s blessings.

The help and hope hearts like yours provide ensures stories of true life transformation in Christ like George’s can continue to happen, this Christmas—and in the new year ahead!

Our Stories

A family's mission


As York’s rescue mission for 62 years, LifePath’s impact in helping change lives couldn’t happen without prayers and partnerships like yours—and families like Carolyn, Michele, and Bailey’s, who share a heart for this ministry in their own words . . .

Frank Deines

From Life on the Streets to LifePath

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This is Jeff Packard, and active volunteer at LifePath Christian Ministires.


LifePath Christian Ministries’ over 60 years of service as York’s rescue mission couldn’t happen without compassion in action like yours—and Jeff Packard’s, who shares his family’s heart for this ministry we share.